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Blox Fruits Calculator

Determine if a trade is a win, a loss, or fair with our Blox Fruits Calculator tool, calculator the values of your inventory in Blox Fruits.

Your Has

Price: $0
Value: $0


Price: $0
Value: $0

Trade Indicator

Your trade is fair

How to use Blox Fruits Calculator?

You can swap your unused fruits for another one that you want in trading. Therefore, you can use the Blox Fruits Calculator to determine your trade is a win or loss.

  1. Click on the plus (+) button in either the "You Has" or "Wants" sections in Blox Fruits Calculator to add an fruit.
  2. When click will open value dialog, displaying available items. You can search for specific items using the search bar.
  3. Select an item by click; the item will add to selected box.
  4. Total price & value for your fruits will automatically update in Blox Fruits Calculator.
  5. You can change your selection by clicking on the box again and choosing a new item.

Use the Blox Fruits Calculator will helps you to make smarter trading decisions and ensures you get the best value for your items.

About Blox Fruits Calculator

Blox Fruits Calculator is designed for "Blox Fruits" fruit trading. The core is a assist players in calculating the total value of their inventory and evaluating the fairness of trades between players.

Core Furtures

Blox Fruits Calculator will Help players to make informed trading decisions.

Inventory valuation

Calculates the total value of a player's inventory, allowing players to easily assess the value of their inventory.

Comparative value

By adding fruits to the left and right sides, the Blox Fruits Calculator will quickly calculate the total value for both sides and determine if the deal is fair.

Anytime & Anywhere

You can quickly access Blox Fruits Calculator on your PC / mobile device / tablet wherever you have internet access.

In short, the Blox Fruits Calculator is a must-have tool for Blox Fruits players to trade efficiently and quickly understand the value of their inventory.

Blox Fruits Value List

Our Blox Fruits Calculator values below are updated live every hour based on trading data from our community of pro traders.

This updated & accurate value list is the best way to find the value of any Blox Fruits item.

FAQs for Blox Fruits Calculator

This is things you should know about Blox Fruits Calculator & trading.

  • What's mean the trade in Blox Fruits?

    Trading is the only way for players to exchange Blox Fruits, which is currently only available in Café and the Mansion. use the Blox Fruits Calculator to get an early estimate of what you can trade for.

  • Is there a limit to the number of trading?

    Trading is possible up to 5 times every 8 hours, which means if you maxed your trading for that day, it will automatically reset after the day ended or after the clock hits.

  • Are there some limit on trading items?

    Yes! The player can only trade 4 items per trade and the fruits being traded cannot have a total price difference of over 40%. (That's why you need Blox Fruits Calculator to calculator the total values).

  • What can I trade my fruits for?

    You can trade your fruits for anything it mostly depends on the person you are trading with. For better reference, I would recommend you to check the Blox fruit value website such as "Blox Fruits Calculator", for checking and comparing the values of your fruit and what you can get for it.

  • What are price and value? what's difference between them?

    The Price is the "beli" of buying from a Blox Fruit Dealer in game, while Value is a more accurate description of the trade in which players "fruit for fuit".

  • How are perm values and normal values different?

    Perm(permanent) fruits are obtained by paying Robux and are more valuable, you can check the full permanent value for Fruits in the Value List created by Blox Fruits Calculator.

  • I can't find a certain fruit on the Blox Fruits Calculator, What do I do?

    Type on the searchbar in the navbar to find the fruit you are looking for. If you still can't find it, it is likely that the fruit is still new and we have not added it yet. Please be patient!